Led by the magical, enigmatic Elano, Man City were a class above Newcastle United, as they convincingly won 3-1. The Toon side played well, and against any other side, may have come away with a point. Obefemi Martin scored a gem of a goal, further reinforcing the belief that he is a scorer of great goals, not a great goal scorer.
Overall, the Man City team played well. The one touch passing and movement was a joy for fans and neutrals alike. It would be hard to pick out any player from that starting 11 who didn't play well. Hamann showed he still has much to offer as he constantly cut out most Newcastle attacks, Richards and Dunne were immense again, while Petrov was a constant threat down the left wing.
But the glue that binded all that together was Elano. And he capped it off with a awesome freekick.
Could he be Man City's own Eric Cantona?
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